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The older I get the better I was... but after many years of idle burrowing the candle of desire is still burning and I have come to realise that running is as much a part of me as my heart and lungs... In Christmas 2008 I was 82kg and was not running a step..This is my journey , the journey of the wombat...Dogged...determined...persistent...and maybe a little grumpy.. but like the wombat my journey is territorial, its about running and I am going to work to protect it...Come along for the ride and see if I can become the wombat warrior. 2009 was a mixed bag for the wombat's journey.A top ten placing in both the Bridges and the City Surf brought a small sense of achievement but also a degree of frustration.... I think I can do better and better I will in 2010. A better run in the Busso Half iron man in support of TV in his swim and bike ride and that was about the extent of my racing. Lets see what happens in 2010 as "My journey Continues". Now in 2011 the wombat will continue his journey, but not alone the wombat has a youngling who knows how to dig. 2015 and its a new beginning , time goes on and the journey to the 2016 World Masters is under way.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

GGS XC second last hard session.

A tough session for the old wombat tonight, easy warm up with the GGS team from the gym out to the Bridge then back to the lower playing fields. This was a very easy 2.6km at a very sedate 4.47km pace.

The leadership team were a little more fleet of foot and were waiting for the main group down on the lower rugby fields for the set session. The session varied for the group depending , essentially, on their racing pace. The faster group were targetting 1km repeats at a constant 3.45 pace. In total they were running four (4) repeats with roughly a 1-2 minute static recovery. Other groups were running between 4m15s / km and 6 min 30s / km. 

The group worked really well through the first effort, I joined a group for the second and third efforts and clipped along at 3.56 for the first and 3.48 for the second. Chasing the leader only to have them pull away over the last 100m for fear of being beaten by a wombat. While I sucked in air through every hole in my body the group finished their last per , or so they thought.

At the end of the final rep and when all the group looked like they had recovered they were hit with "Just One More" , a phrase that has almost become a mantra for the team due to the wombat mentality of the second team coach who also comes from an old school hard work background ( what hope do the boys have with two wombats riding them). On the 5th effort they were to run as hard and evenly as they could over the 1km circuit. As is always the case the boys rose to the challenge. The captain punched out a very solid 3.12, Loisis  was close to his tail and young Lines was not far behind  along with the two vice captains in hot pursuit. The boys were spent. An easy cool down back to the Gym via Paxton and the group had covered a solid 9km. I was happy too, I had not blown out my calf and did not need to be carried from the field. 

Barrel on wombats...

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