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The older I get the better I was... but after many years of idle burrowing the candle of desire is still burning and I have come to realise that running is as much a part of me as my heart and lungs... In Christmas 2008 I was 82kg and was not running a step..This is my journey , the journey of the wombat...Dogged...determined...persistent...and maybe a little grumpy.. but like the wombat my journey is territorial, its about running and I am going to work to protect it...Come along for the ride and see if I can become the wombat warrior. 2009 was a mixed bag for the wombat's journey.A top ten placing in both the Bridges and the City Surf brought a small sense of achievement but also a degree of frustration.... I think I can do better and better I will in 2010. A better run in the Busso Half iron man in support of TV in his swim and bike ride and that was about the extent of my racing. Lets see what happens in 2010 as "My journey Continues". Now in 2011 the wombat will continue his journey, but not alone the wombat has a youngling who knows how to dig. 2015 and its a new beginning , time goes on and the journey to the 2016 World Masters is under way.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Don't Quit...

There are times when every runner, every runner, has the thoughts of throwing in the towel. At this stage of my life its actually a daily thought pattern. This is due largely to the fact that I am yet to re-establish a routine or real structure to my training. I do know that at some point I will establish a routine but I also know that once this routine has been established I will still get the little voice that shouts STOP! ENOUGH!

The trouble with being a wombat is that I know, that I will possibly never stop, yes I might miss a day, week, or month of running but in time I will get back out there. In a race I also know, that no matter how loud that voice gets I'll never stop. I know this because its something I have always told myself. If I start the race I finish the race and believe me there have been times , particularly in the marathon, where I have thought " Na, I've had enough" But there is also another voice that tells me, if you do it once, it gets easier the next time and then it gets to the stage that you stop running and step off the course simply because your shoelace is undone. 

You see that's the thing about running , if you quit , you never give yourself the chance to learn from what goes wrong, you never experience the full range of struggles that comes with training and pushing on in a race when you really feel like there is nothing left, you miss that sense of accomplishment that comes with crossing the line after your head telling you for the last 10km that your body can't go any further.

Remember that what ever happens  JUST DON'T QUIT!!!

Barrel on Wombats...

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